Supply Chain

How can we leap into Supply Chain 4.0?

What are the challenges of digitalization within the logistics sector? 

First of all, it is important to remember that the main objective of digitalization is to allow each company to improve its reaction time and the quality of its offer according to the customers’ needs.

To gain in performance on the whole Supply Chain part, it is essential for each professional to automate the whole chain of activity and decision making. This will can be applied on the field with a restructuring of its operation around new solutions using Big Data, AI or IoT.

Any digitalization project is always linked to quantified objectives and must ultimately save time, reduce costs or improve responsiveness.

The 4 conditions to get started:

  • Be accompanied by a company with expertise in the sector of activity. The role of this actor is to ensure a good management of the project and also to promote the mobilization of internal resources
  • To adapt a management and a change management
  • Improve the transmission of information and develop communication between all departments in order to optimize the planning and performance of each tool
  • Provide progress reports on the activity and measure the evolution of the reactivity on the decision making

A digitalized Supply Chain is:

  • Enabling companies to improve their margins
  • Gain visibility on the performance of its site
  • Optimize its supply
  • Improve its relationship with suppliers
  • Simplify inventory management
  • Optimize its transport flows

To conclude, moving to supply chain 4.0 allows to gain agility and competitiveness thanks to the automation of processes and the integration of new technologies (IoT, AI, Big Data…). The digitization and automation of the supply chain is an indication of flexibility, responsiveness and is above all a profitable investment for each site!

At PrivaMap, we have set ourselves the mission of automating the guidance of professionals as soon as they arrive on a private site. With a customized guidance solution for each industrial or logistic site, our customers immediately measure a daily gain in productivity and a reduction in their transport costs.

Find out more about PrivaMap and road transport issues by clicking here!